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Artis for Excel - Support

Once you have installed Artis for Excel, please use the following guide to get started.

  1. Click on the Artis Stream button (this should appear in your Home Ribbon) and you should see a pane open up on the right.
  2. Click on the blue Connect button to connect to the Artis web app. If you’re already logged in to your Artis account, you’ll automatically be connected, otherwise you’ll be asked to log in first.
  3. Once connected, you’ll have the option to choose up to 3 Pages to stream. After making your selection, click the Stream button. You’ll also see a status indicator that indicates whether your feed is currently Streaming or Stopped.

If you wish to alter your Page selection at any point, click the blue Stop button and make your changes before clicking on the blue Stream button again.

If for any reason you wish to disconnect from Artis, click the blue Disconnect button.

Should you require any further assistance or clarification, please contact our Support team via email ( or WhatsApp: +44 7537 143 416.