Artis for Excel - EULA
These licence terms and conditions (“Licence Terms”) were updated on 13 October 2023.
Please read these Licence Terms carefully.
By downloading (including any use or otherwise of) the Artis Folio Microsoft Excel Add-in (“Artis Excel Add-in”) through either Microsoft AppSource or Azure Marketplace (collectively the “Marketplace”), you agree to be bound by these Licence Terms. If you disagree with these Licence Terms, do not download the Artis Excel Add-in.
We may modify these Licence Terms at any time, and your continued use of the Artis Excel Add-in after we post modifications to these Licence Terms means that you agree to be bound by them, as modified.
Who we are and the purpose of these Licence Terms
We are Artis Works Ltd, including but not limited to connected group companies and affiliates, and and all of its associated websites are operated by us (“we”, “us”, “our”). We are registered in England and Wales under company number 12603784 and have our registered office at Fifth Floor, One New Change, London EC4M 9AF.
Subject to these Licence Terms, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, non-sub-licensable, worldwide licence to:
Use our Artis Excel Add-in in conjunction with our online software application “Artis Folio” (the “Software”), which includes any online or electronic documentation related to the Artis Excel Add-in provided by us to you in downloading the Artis Excel Add-in (the “Documentation”); and
The service you connect to via the Artis Excel Add-in (including any User Account) and all the data and content we provide or facilitate to you through it (the “Services”).
We reserve the right to suspend, restrict, withdraw, access to, or availability of, part or all of the Artis Excel Add-in and the Services we provide to all users (whether with registered accounts or not) without notice.
In addition to the other obligations in these Licence Terms, your use of the Artis Excel Add-in is subject to all of the following:
You obtaining the relevant authorisation from the third-party contracting entity, whether a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, organisation or otherwise, who grants you, on its behalf, as one of its authorised users, access to and use of the Software (the “Authorised Entity”) and with whom we have one or more contracts in place to access and use the Software (the “Authorised Entity Agreements”); and
Your compliance with all the obligations on you as an authorised user on behalf of the Authorised Entity under the Authorised Entity Agreements.
Your compliance with any and all obligations under which we are bound to comply with by any third-party data exchange (and which, in turn, we require you to comply with) that supplies us with the data to allow us to provide the Services via the Artis Excel Add-in (the “Exchange Agreements”).
You represent and warrant to us under these Licence Terms that you have the express written permission from your Authorised Entity to use the Software. Without such express permission, you will not access, use, or have any other rights regarding the Artis Excel Add-in and Services.
These Licence Terms apply to all users of the Artis Excel Add-in in any jurisdiction worldwide, and these Licence Terms both supplement and incorporate, by reference, the obligations on you as an authorised user under the Authorised Entity Agreements and any obligations that you are required to comply with in order for us to meet our obligations under the Exchange Agreements.
How to contact us
You can contact us using:
- Our address stated above;
- The web chat functionality directly in the Software;
- The e-mail address;
- WhatsApp on the number +44 7537 143416.
How we will contact you
We will send you any agreements, statements and other notices using email, WhatsApp, or phone. If any of your contact details change, including moving abroad, you should let us know your new contact as soon as possible.
Marketplace terms apply
The ways in which you can use the Artis Excel Add-in and Documentation may also be controlled by the applicable rules and policies of the Market Store and their policies will apply instead if any of these Licence Terms where there are differences between the two.
Our privacy policy and cookies policy are located at and set out the terms on which we process any personal data we collect from you or that you provide to us (our “Policies”).
By using the Artis Excel Add-in and Services, you consent to such processing and warrant that all data you provide to us is accurate.
It is your responsibility to check our Policies from time to time, as any and all changes made are binding on your access to and use of the Artis Excel Add-in and the Services we provide.